
Chapter 01 - Proverbs of Hazrat Sulaiman

Proverbs chapter 1 emphasizes the importance of wisdom and knowledge, warning sinners about being enticed and foolish. It encourages seeking wisdom and heeding instruction, reminding the reader that wisdom leads to long life and prosperity while foolishness leads to destruction.

Chapter 02 - Proverbs of Hazrat Sulaiman

Proverbs 2 speaks of the value of seeking wisdom and understanding as a way to obtain the knowledge of God. It encourages readers to pursue righteousness and avoid the ways of the wicked, promising protection and blessings for those who do.

Chapter 03 - Proverbs of Hazrat Sulaiman

Proverbs chapter 3 guides the young in wisdom and obedience to God's commands. It teaches that trusting in the Lord brings blessings and encourages generosity and kindness towards others.

Chapter 04 - Proverbs of Hazrat Sulaiman

Proverbs chapter 04 outlines the security of wisdom, encouraging children to listen to the teachings of their parents and to seek understanding. It also warns against the path of the wicked and instructs children to walk in the way of righteousness.

Chapter 05 - Proverbs of Hazrat Sulaiman

Proverbs chapter 5 warns against the dangers of adultery and immorality, urging readers to remain faithful to their spouses and to seek satisfaction within marriage. It tells of the consequences of infidelity, including regret, shame, and destruction.

Chapter 06 - Proverbs of Hazrat Sulaiman

Proverbs chapter 6 warns against making dangerous promises, such as co-signing for debts and the folly of laziness. The chapter also reveals the behaviors of a wicked man. adultery and the consequences of such behavior.

Chapter 07 - Proverbs of Hazrat Sulaiman

Proverbs chapter 7 describes dangers of an adulterous woman and the consequences of giving in other. The chapter urges readers to avoid immoral behavior and instead to seek wisdom and understanding.

Chapter 08 - Proverbs of Hazrat Sulaiman

Proverbs chapter 8 is about the excellence of wisdom, personified as a woman who calls out to people, and how she is more valuable than wealth and power. It also talks about her role in the creation of the world, and how those who find her will be blessed.

Chapter 09 - Proverbs of Hazrat Sulaiman

Proverbs chapter 9 contrasts wisdom with foolishness. Wisdom prepares a banquet and invites the simple to come and learn from her, while foolishness is also personified as a woman who is loud, unruly, and lures people into her house of destruction.

Chapter 10 - Proverbs of Hazrat Sulaiman

Proverbs 10 is a collection of wise sayings on various topics, including honesty, hard work, speech, wealth, and righteousness. It contrasts the ways of the righteous and the wicked and concludes with a reminder that wisdom leads to life, while foolishness leads to destruction.

Chapter 11 - Proverbs of Hazrat Sulaiman

Proverbs chapter 11 speaks of righteousness and warns against wickedness. It discusses the benefits of honesty, generosity, and humility, as well as the consequences of deceit, pride, and greed. The chapter is also about seeking wisdom and advice from others.

Chapter 12 - Proverbs of Hazrat Sulaiman

Proverbs chapter 12 discusses the themes of righteousness versus wickedness and the consequences of each. It also touches on seeking knowledge, being disciplined and honest, and using words wisely. The chapter also speaks about the value of a good wife and the benefits of hard work.

Chapter 13 - Proverbs of Hazrat Sulaiman

Proverbs chapter 13 speaks of listening to wise advice, being diligent and hardworking, guarding one's words and tongue, and being honest and just. It also advises against being lazy, foolish, and wicked, which can lead to poverty and ruin.

Chapter 14 - Proverbs of Hazrat Sulaiman

Proverbs chapter 14 mainly focuses on contrasting the paths of the wise and the foolish. It talks of wisdom, humility, and righteousness in life, and how they can lead to success and fulfillment. It also speaks of the consequences of foolishness, pride, and wickedness, and encourages the seeking of knowledge and understanding.

Chapter 15 - Proverbs of Hazrat Sulaiman

Proverbs chapter 15 discusses how wise and good speech can bring positive outcomes, such as healing, joy, and satisfaction, while foolish and harsh speech can bring destruction, strife, and ruin. It also touches on seeking counsel and wisdom, and the results of rejecting discipline and correction.

Chapter 16 - Proverbs of Hazrat Sulaiman

Proverbs chapter 16 shares on the power of wise and righteous choices, such as committing our plans to the Lord, controlling our anger, and using our words wisely. It also tells of the danger of pride and the consequences of pursuing evil.

Chapter 17 - Proverbs of Hazrat Sulaiman

Proverbs chapter 17 speaks about various topics such as wisdom, speech, wealth, and relationships, of choosing one's words carefully, seeking wisdom, and maintaining integrity. It also warns against pursuing wealth at the expense of others and encourages healthy relationships based on trust and forgiveness.

Chapter 18 - Proverbs of Hazrat Sulaiman

Proverbs 18 is about of being wise with our words. It warns against being foolish, gossiping, and lying, and encourages us to speak with wisdom and understanding. The chapter also shares on the power of our words to bring life or death and counsels us to use them to bring forth life.

Chapter 19 - Proverbs of Hazrat Sulaiman

Proverbs chapter 19 discusses the themes of wealth, laziness, wisdom, and folly, of having a good reputation, seeking wisdom, and being honest. It also speaks on the dangers of anger, laziness, and seeking riches through dishonest means.

Chapter 20 - Proverbs of Hazrat Sulaiman

Proverbs Chapter 20 of honesty, self-control, and wise decision-making. It warns against intoxication, laziness, and gossip, and affirms compassion and fairness in relationships. The chapter concludes with a reminder that ultimately, it is the Lord who guides our steps and directs our paths.

Chapter 21 - Proverbs of Hazrat Sulaiman

Proverbs chapter 21 provides a collection of wise sayings on various topics, which include the consequences of wickedness, the importance of seeking wisdom, and the blessings of righteous living. It tells of obedience, hard work, and humility, and warns about pride and laziness.

Chapter 22 - Proverbs of Hazrat Sulaiman

Proverbs chapter 22 talks of having a good reputation, humility, and diligence in work. It also counsels against associating with angry or foolish people, and encourages parents to train their children in wisdom.

Chapter 23 - Proverbs of Hazrat Sulaiman

Proverbs chapter 23 contains wise sayings and advice about not being envious of sinners, not overindulging in food or drink, not wasting resources on the foolish, and disciplining children. Mentioned here is the great value of seeking wisdom and knowledge, as well as being cautious of those who deceive or seek to harm.

Chapter 24 - Proverbs of Hazrat Sulaiman

Proverbs 24 advises against envy, wickedness, and laziness, and encourages diligence, planning, and seeking wise counsel. The chapter speaks on justice, avoiding wicked company, and responding with kindness to one's enemies. The chapter counsels against rejecting wisdom and experiencing destruction as a result.

Chapter 25 - Proverbs of Hazrat Sulaiman

Proverbs chapter 25 speaks of humility and self-control, and gives advice on dealing with difficult people. It also touches on the value of wisdom and good counsel, and the dangers of boasting and flattery. The chapter concludes with a reminder to treat our enemies with kindness and to repay evil with good.

Chapter 26 - Proverbs of Hazrat Sulaiman

Proverbs chapter 26 discusses the behavior of a fool and its consequences. It commends wisdom, self-control, and the right use of words. It also warns against laziness and dishonesty and provides insights on dealing with difficult people.

Chapter 27 - Proverbs of Hazrat Sulaiman

Proverbs chapter 27 is focused on the themes of wisdom, friendship, and self-control, about being honest with oneself and others, avoiding flattery and deceit, and seeking advice from trusted friends. We should avoid anger and impatience, take care of our possessions and plan for the future.

Chapter 28 - Proverbs of Hazrat Sulaiman

Proverbs 28 discusses the themes of righteousness and wickedness, that those who follow God's ways will be blessed and those who rebel against him will suffer the consequences. The chapter also covers topics such as leadership, dishonesty, wealth, and poverty.

Chapter 29 - Proverbs of Hazrat Sulaiman

Proverbs chapter 29 tells of wisdom and understanding in the pursuit of a righteous life. The value of discipline is stated, contrasted with pride, dishonesty, and laziness. It also includes several verses about the consequences of listening to or ignoring correction.

Chapter 30 - Proverbs of Hazrat Sulaiman

Proverbs chapter 30 begins with an oracle of Agur, who speaks of his own ignorance but extols the wisdom and truth of God. He then reflects on the wonders of the natural world and the complexity of human behavior and closes with a call to live with humility and reverence towards God.

Chapter 31 - Proverbs of Hazrat Sulaiman

Proverbs 31 describes the qualities of a virtuous woman, who is praised for her hard work, wisdom, and kindness. She is depicted as a devoted wife, mother, and businesswoman who uses her talents and resources to serve her family and community.