
Fullness of the Holy Spirit

Discusses speaking in tongues, praying in the Spirit and the need for worldwide Pentecostal revival.

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Fifty Reasons Why Jesus come to Die

A Yousafzai Pashto translation of John Piper's "Fifty Reasons Why Jesus Came to Die". This book examines the meaning of Jesus' death. The meaning of Jesus Christ's death What did Jesus' death achieve for sinners like us

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Fire of Revenge

A highly emotional story. In the introduction, the writer explains that the Ben Hur film, on which he has based this book, showed him the way of forgiveness rather than revenge. A novel based on the Ben Hur film Powerful message of forgiveness

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Unique Subjects

The Unique Subject book includes 100 Bible key subjects like sin, faith, repentance, prayer, worship, and life of Jesus, etc. Each topic has 5 to 10 questions about the subject. We hope when you read this book you will a good understanding of basic Bible teachings.

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Life of Balqees Sheikh

This is the true story of the twentieth century for everyone who has a desire to clearly express themselves to his Creator. And also for those who believe that the Almighty God has the power to protect in every situation according to His promise.

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More than a Carpenter

- Apologetic book - Jesus' life and work - The Christian faith in general

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We Hear From The Prophets - Pashto

We Hear From The Prophets

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